+ 91 8446269054

Shankeshwar Pride, First Floor, Office no. 101, Shiv road, Borhadewadi, Moshi, Pimpri - Chinchwad, Pune - 412105

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What exactly is PCOD?

In PCOD, multiple numbers of small cysts develop in the ovaries. This condition leads to unpredictable hormonal behavior and increases the risk of diabetes, acne, infertility, and excessive hair growth. The disorder is fairly common and has no exact cure. But several women who have suffered from it claim to have cured it with lifestyle changes and alternative medicines.

Most PCOD patients are overweight and are suggested to exercise daily, which may help control their weight and other symptoms as well.

The exact cause of PCOD

There is no exact cause of PCOD, though doctors and experts believe that some women have a predisposition to it and it may also run in the family. The most common known symptom of this disease is irregular periods and a lot of PCOD cases go undetected because of the lack of this symptom. In a lot of women, PCOD is discovered when they are trying to get pregnant because this condition may cause fertility problems. It can be detected by conducting blood tests and ultrasound.

Our Dietician addresses every aspect of your PCOS, right from your nutrition and sleep schedule, to fitness and stress management – all of which are intimately linked to your symptoms


Chirayu Heart And Diet Clinic is superspecialty Heart and Diet clinic situated at Borhadewadi, Moshi, Pimpri – Chinchwad, Pune.

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